(This release is under active development)
The purpose of this bosh release is to deploy and setup the app-autoscaler service.
Install and start BOSH-Lite, following its README. Modify the cloud-config and deployment manifest settings by modifying the files under /example directory. Install Spiff
Instructions to install on bosh-lite below:
bosh update cloud-config <PATH_TO_CLOUD_CONFIG>
git clone https://github.com/cloudfoundry-incubator/app-autoscaler-release
cd app-autoscaler-release
./scripts/generate-bosh-lite-manifest \
-c <path to cf-release deployment manifest> \
-p ./example/property-overrides.yml
** cf-release deployment manifest should be cf-release/bosh-lite/deployments/cf.yml
Refer to AutoScaler UAT guide to run acceptance test.
To use pre-existing postgres server(s), it is required to pass db-stubs while generating manifest. Otherwise an instance of default postgres server will be provided as part of app-autoscaler deployment.
./scripts/generate-bosh-lite-manifest \
-c <path to cf-release deployment manifest> \
-p ./example/property-overrides.yml \
-d ./example/dbstubs/db-stub-external.yml \