
Avoid redundancy of semantic labels?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

In UBY-WordNet, domain labels are stored at three positions:
* as part of the gloss (Definition.TextRepresentation) as a bracketed prefix
* as a SemanticLabel
* as a SenseRelation of type topic

Discuss if the redundancy is necessary. Keep in mind that WordNet users might want
the bracketed prefix in order to reproduce results of the original WordNet. Same applies
to some extent to SenseRelation...

Original issue reported on by on 2014-10-09 09:20:06

I would keep the redundancy because
1) it is created automatically (and thus consistently) - Uby is read-only
2) applications might depend on one of the 3 variants
3) we claim that one of our main goals is to preserve the information present in the
original resources

Original issue reported on by eckle.kohler on 2014-10-09 18:18:08