
It is not working with latest react version 18.2.0

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I tried to install it with react 18 and seems like it is not supported.

@prince17dec I'm using it myself with react v18.2.0 and react ^18.0.0 is listed as a peer dependency

can you give me some more input on what seems to be the issue (e.g. console logs)?
are you using it with typescript or without?

I did not get any errors in the console. but yes am using the typescript with react.

well, you'll have to offer me some kind of insight, if you want me to help you.

how are you importing the icon(s)? do you mind sharing your source code? are they maybe there, but just have no width/height, or are transparent? the fill/stroke properties default to currentColor (the text color of the containing HTMLElement).

@prince17dec do you have an update?

closing this issue, cannot reproduce. seems like a non-issue.