
Workshop on 2/10/22

Closed this issue · 1 comments


  • Include instructions on which settings to check when setting up Git token
  • We may want to stress in the workshop description on the website to the participants to do their best to go through the steps on 01_getting_started.md. This would reduce the amount of friction for getting participants set up with Git.


  • Include some examples that show you can perform commands (e.g,. mv, cp, ls) from a higher level directories by adding in the relative path (e.g., ls solutions/)
  • 'less' command is not available on DataHub, so some questions were asked about why it wasnt working. Might want to add a disclaimer or change this to something else
  • We may also want to include echo commands as a form of writing to file


  • Need to add a step between steps 7 & 8 to cd back out of the challenge folder before removing it (e.g., cd ..)


  • Need to double check and confirm instructions work for DataHub (some participants had issues with access errors when trying to push to remote)
  • Some users did not have their global configs set up. We should include instructions or a link to do that like this
  • Add some information about pull requests vs just merging code
  • Add an example of resolving a merge conflict


  • Make it explicit to add README when creating the repo
  • Lots of authentication/access issues, may be useful to streamline this/make some more explicit instructions around setting up remote, adding git config, etc.

Broke this issue out into smaller issues.