
The Cloud's foodcritic rules


These are foodcritic that we've written at The Cloud. The rules have been developed based on our experiences with writing cookbooks.


TC001 - Version number should be updated if a cookbook is changed

This one is a pain as it means you have to remember to bump version numbers with each change but it has saved our bacon on a few occasions. Works well in combination with banning merge commits in your chef repo.

TC002 - Debugging statements should be removed

This command detects leftover puts, pp and print statements.

For example, this block would trip this rule:

puts "foo"

TC003 - Chef managed files should state as such

It is very easy to make changes to a deployed file that is chef managed only to lose them when chef-client runs again. Having this notice serves as a nice reminder so you don't forget.

The text this file is chef managed should appear within the first five lines of the file or template.