
Migrate to dlang-community

WebFreak001 opened this issue · 7 comments

Would you like to transfer this repository to dlang-community so there are more contributors that can merge pull requests?

Since this project is (vendored) inside dub and has a lot of stars I think it'd be good to move it there.

If you agree to this, feel free to just comment here, we will invite you to the organization, then you can transfer the repository in the repo settings and some dlang-community members (I guess dub maintainers primarily) can then work on it more.

Geod24 commented

Actually, all you need to do to transfer is to give me (or any other dlang-community admin) Owner / Admin access to this repository for me to do the transfer.
One cannot do the transfer themselves without admin access to an organization (as it requires repository creation right).
Other than that, what @WebFreak001 said.

You're both added as what GitHub is calling "collaborators". I don't see anything in GitHub's current UI about "Owner" or "Admin" so I don't know if that's sufficient or not.

I think collaborators don't have the permissions to do a package transfer, at least I cannot initiate it.

I think everyone in the dlang-community group can create repositories, so inviting you to the group should work instead.

I invited you to dlang-community, so if you would like to join and migrate the repository there that would be appreciated.

@Abscissa : Did you have any chance to look at transferring the repository ?
It should be available to you via https://github.com/Abscissa/SDLang-D/transfer

It wouldn't let me transfer to dlang-community (not a member) or WebFreak001 (repo named SDLang-D already exists) so I transfered to Geod24.

@Abscissa last time you didn't accept the invitation in time, so it expired - I sent you a new one now and you should see it in your github notifications inbox as well as your emails.

And I don't think the repo has been transferred to me, I can't see anything to that effect.