
A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for implement live-search.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

jquery-live-search Build Status


A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for implement live-search.


Simple Usage

    selectorContainer: "ul",
    selectorElementsToSearch: "li",
    attributeToSearch: false,
    selectorInputSearch: "#search-query",
    selectorToHide: false,
    selectorFixed: "li:first",


<input type="text" id="search-query">
    <li>Lola Bunny</li>

Ajax Usage

var objLiveSearch = $.liveSearch({
    selectorContainer: "ul",
    selectorElementsToSearch: "li",
    attributeToSearch: false,
    selectorInputSearch: "#search-query",
    selectorToHide: "li",
    selectorFixed: "li:first",
    ajaxCallback: function(){
        $.get("helpers/ajax-content.html", function(data){
            var search_query = objLiveSearch.getInputSearchVal();
            objLiveSearch.ajaxDone(data, search_query);
        }, 'html');


<input type="text" id="search-query">

HTML Ajax Return:

        <title>Ajax Content</title>
            <li>Lola Bunny</li>


Option Name Description Type Default Value
attributeToSearch Name of the attribute that contains the content to be searched string data-search
selectorContainer Main container of elements string table
selectorElementsToSearch Selector of elements to be searched string td
selectorInputSearch Selector of input field search string input#search_query
selectorHead Selector of the Heads string false
selectorToHide Selector element to be hidden string false
minCharacters Minimum number of characters to trigger the search. integer 3
typeDelay Delay time at the end of typing. integer 500
ajaxFilter Pass false if Ajax return already filtred. boolean true
ajaxCallback Callback function to custom ajax. callback false

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