
Add support for micro QR-Code

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Would you be willing to add support for micro QR-code?

That's was also my feeling looking at the code. Currently, inspect shows that the finder pattern is found. What I was unsure about is the difficulty to change the behaviour afterwards...

So I just adapted a QR Code reader to detect Micro QR Codes in a different library. Looking at a change log it took about a week to do it over winter break. Modifying the original QR detector was fairly easy as it now just treats every finder pattern as a possible marker and tries to decode it in 4-different orientations. After that a lot of it could be coded up using a regular QR code as a starting point.

Can't say for sure if this experience will translate to Quirc, but most of the hard problem solving had been done and it's mostly going through the motions.