CuteMap is a single page web app made with the google maps api. It is a community-based map creation service that allows users to create custom maps and add points to maps shared among the community.
This app was created by Nick Doyle and Dylan Leard.
- Node.js
- Express
- bcrypt
- body-parser
- cookie-parser
- method-override
- bootstrap
- dotenv
- knex
- knex-logger
- morgan
- node-sass-middleware
- pg
- Install all dependencies (using the
npm install
command). - create psql database
- run knex commands:
- knex migrate:latest
- knex seed:run
- Run the development web server using the
node run local
- Browsing maps and users can be done without logging in
- Map creation is limited to users who are logged in
- Marker editing and deleting is also limited to users who are logged in
- Marker creation can be done by users who are not logged in, but will not persist
- The log in button is currently hard-coded to a demo user
- Development mode requires a google API key in the .env file for the map