
Venetian Blind RelaxNG schemas are converted to Salami Slice XSD schemas

GoogleCodeExporter opened this issue · 0 comments

My understanding of this (which is quite possibly incorrect :-) is as follows:

XSD supports Russian Doll, Salami Slice & Venetian Blind patterns.
RelaxNG supports everything except Salami Slice, but doesn't need this since it 
is able to explicitly define the start elements.

My understanding is that only elements that are defined as starting elements in 
the RNC should be Salami Slice (global element definitions) whereas all the 
others should be Venetian Blind (complex type definitions).

However, this isn't what is happening, and having looked at the code it doesn't 
look like this is a bug, though it may be an oversight. I'm more than happy to 
try and fix this by myself, but am really just looking for some guidance first 
as to whether this is an intentional design decision, and can't actually be 

Original issue reported on code.google.com by dominic....@gmail.com on 7 Apr 2012 at 6:55