
Log Spam

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I'm getting multiple lines of 'Ignoring chunk since it's not in the view range: -259, -418', here is my log: https://mclo.gs/FcXj7B9. I'm using Hold That Chunk 2.0.1

That is very strange, but there is no information about where that log is coming from. And I am unable to reproduce it on my end.

What type of server are you playing on? Is it fabric? Do you know what mods/plugins are installed on the server?

That is very strange, but there is no information about where that log is coming from. And I am unable to reproduce it on my end.

What type of server are you playing on? Is it fabric? Do you know what mods/plugins are installed on the server?

Fabric Server. These are the mods on the server, there are more but it's not an updated list:

After looking around the Minecraft client code, I found where that log comes from. It happens when the server sends the client chunk data for chunks that are outside of the client's view distance. I believe that it's not caused by Hold That Chunk.

Oh ok, thanks for your help!

I just remembered. 'Ignore Server Render Distance' was toggled On while the log spam was going on, if that helps.

Is it happening consistently? If yes, please check that it doesn't happen when Hold That Chunk is disabled and starts happening again when Hold That Chunk is reenabled.

The issue is probably caused by the server and has nothing to do with Hold That Chunk. That log would be triggered regardless of whether Hold That Chunk is installed or not.