
Could not find joda-time-2.11.0-no-tzdb (v.2.11.0)

el-qq opened this issue · 4 comments

el-qq commented


Using version 2.10.14 - ok, app build
with 2.11.0 an error occurs

   api 'net.danlew:android.joda:2.11.0'


> Could not resolve all files for configuration ':app:genericDebugRuntimeClasspath'.
   > Failed to transform joda-time-2.11.0-no-tzdb (joda-time:joda-time:2.11.0) to match attributes {artifactType=android-jni, org.gradle.status=release}.
      > Could not find joda-time-2.11.0-no-tzdb (joda-time:joda-time:2.11.0).
        Searched in the following locations:
dlew commented

Hmm, it looks like it's in maven central: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/joda-time/joda-time/2.11.0/

Not sure what's going on but it's some configuration problem on your end - are you including mavenCentral() as a repository?

el-qq commented

including mavenCentral() as a repository

Yes. mavenCentral() is has been added to the entire project 👀

dlew commented

I believe I've tracked down the issue to something with the artifact selector setup. Will try to publish a new release tonight for y'all.

el-qq commented

Thanks. Its working