
Lambda entry point

dlidstrom opened this issue · 0 comments

Se https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/developer/f-tooling-support-for-aws-lambda/:

The Handler property indicates the .NET method to call in the package bundle. The string can be broken down to <assembly-name>::<type-name>::<function-name>. If you have used C# to develop Lambda functions, the ‘+’ in the handler string might be surprising. In this case, the LambdaEntryPoint type is defined inside an F# module, and a module, under the covers, is a static type. That means LambdaEntryPoint is an inner type to the Setup type, and to reference inner types with .NET reflection you need to use a ‘+’.

Se också https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/F_Sharp_Programming/Modules_and_Namespaces:

No code is required to define a module. If a codefile does not contain a leading namespace or module declaration, F# code will implicitly place the code in a module, where the name of the module is the same as the file name with the first letter capitalized.