- 7
Support FPGA Simulations
#202 opened by callumforrester - 1
- 2
Investigate generating simulated data
#194 opened by callumforrester - 0
Rename slave/master schedulers
#168 opened by tpoliaw - 1
Rename System Simulation Component
#178 opened by abbiemery - 0
Device configuration should be additive with default configuration rather than replacing all of it
#185 opened by DiamondJoseph - 0
Make adapter.after_update optionally async
#169 opened by callumforrester - 2
- 9
- 0
- 1
Support Python 3.11
#136 opened by abbiemery - 0
Fix the kafka interface
#130 opened by abbiemery - 0
Re-implement message wrappers
#177 opened by abbiemery - 0
Make system simulations take a list of adapters
#175 opened by abbiemery - 0
Docs build suddenly failing due to circular imports
#181 opened by abbiemery - 2
Test Ticker can Propagate Messages Through a Variety of Complex Graphs
#184 opened by callumforrester - 2
- 1
Add a system test for new skipping in event router
#183 opened by abbiemery - 0
Interrupt should return a future
#84 opened by DominicOram - 0
Have RegexCommand.parse return more information
#93 opened by MattPrit - 0
Allow Command to parse AnyStr
#92 opened by MattPrit - 2
Network Adapters for System Components
#126 opened by abbiemery - 3
- 1
- 2
transition from aiozmq -> pyzmq
#166 opened by rosesyrett - 2
Update scheduler tests
#122 opened by abbiemery - 0
Change mypy to pyright
#150 opened by callumforrester - 4
Allow EpicsAdapter without db file
#124 opened by callumforrester - 1
Update component tests
#121 opened by abbiemery - 0
Create a type alias for message types
#117 opened by abbiemery - 2
- 1
Mypy errors in master
#145 opened by rosesyrett - 1
Change the apischema serialisation to pydantic
#125 opened by abbiemery - 0
Create simulation wrapper
#151 opened by callumforrester - 1
Replace run_forever with start/stop
#152 opened by callumforrester - 1
Fix HTTPAdapter
#111 opened by abbiemery - 2
Fix SplittingInterpreter for trailing delimiters
#114 opened by MJGaughran - 1
Examples in User Guide out of date
#131 opened by tpoliaw - 0
Move to DiamondLightSource org
#128 opened by callumforrester - 0
Fix Disjoining Components
#96 opened by abbiemery - 1
Exceptions in Device.update() are ignored
#105 opened by MJGaughran - 2
Asyncio not retrieving task exceptions
#79 opened by abbiemery - 0
Fix pytest warnings
#109 opened by abbiemery - 0
Write docs on composing interpreters
#87 opened by DominicOram - 1
Move devices into tickit_devices
#85 opened by DominicOram - 0
Update dockerignore to not include the .git dir
#106 opened by abbiemery - 0
Send a device multiple commands at once
#77 opened by MattPrit - 0
Joining Interpreter
#88 opened by MattPrit - 0
- 0
Create a backdoor
#83 opened by DominicOram