
Search table don't works if maximized

TRISAF opened this issue · 4 comments

the plugin works fine on 5.6.1 and 5.4.0 kibana,
but if is maximazed, the search don't work.
Any idea to fix this bug?

Many thanks


I didn't know that with maximazed data the plugin doesn't work.

Can you tell me the exactly number of entries that has your table?

thanks and sorry!

Hi @dlumbrer ,
for maximize i mean the new "button" on top right corner (in red circle) of every visualization inside a kibana dashboard.
The records in the table are 250 but the synthom it this:
the search work fine i use the visualization as it is in the dashborad, don't work if iclik the "maximaze button" and then search for the same word as before.
Is more clear now?


I dont have that problem... try to refresh, it's too weird.

We have this problem,
what do you need ( e.g. logs, printscreen) to try to understand this behavior?