
No Op registered for Plugin with domain_version of 9

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发生异常: RuntimeError
No Op registered for Plugin with domain_version of 9

==> Context: Bad node spec: input: "533" input: "534" input: "dla_up.ida_0.proj_1.conv.weight" input: "dla_up.ida_0.proj_1.conv.bias" output: "535" name: "Plugin_95" op_type: "Plugin" attribute { name: "info" s: "{"dilation": [1, 1], "padding": [1, 1], "stride": [1, 1], "deformable_groups": 1}" type: STRING } attribute { name: "name" s: "DCNv2" type: STRING }
File "F:\Learning\projects\FairMOT\fairmot_export_onnx.py", line 30, in
onnx.export(model, (input), "fairmot_dla34.onnx", output_names=["hm", "wh", "reg", "hm_pool", "id"], verbose=True)

any advice???