
TypeError: lin_interpolation_2d() got an unexpected keyword argument 'dim'

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi ,
I'm trying to use the build_softargmax_2d block in my own network,

but when compiling the model i get the following error


TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)

in ()
----> 1 model = get_model()
2 model.summary()

1 frames

in get_model()
19 num_rows, num_cols, num_filters = K.int_shape(x)[1:]
20 sams_input_shape = (num_rows, num_cols, num_filters)
---> 21 sam_model = build_softargmax_2d(sams_input_shape, rho=0, name='sSAM')
22 sam_model.summary()
23 output = sam_model(x)

/content/deephar/deephar/models/blocks.py in build_softargmax_2d(input_shape, rho, name)
316 x = kl_divergence_regularizer(x, rho=rho)
--> 318 x_x = lin_interpolation_2d(x, dim=0)
319 x_y = lin_interpolation_2d(x, dim=1)
320 x = concatenate([x_x, x_y])

TypeError: lin_interpolation_2d() got an unexpected keyword argument 'dim'`

I traced the error like this
blocks.py --> build_softargmax_2d(....) --> x_x = lin_interpolation_2d(x, dim=0) [line 318]
while in layers.py -->lin_interpolation_2d(x, axis, vmin=0., vmax=1., name=None) [the function signature ].
How to fix this ?

Replace "dim" with "axis"

thank you @PhenomenalOnee

can confirm that this works!

This was also fixed in the source code. Thanks @PhenomenalOnee !