
Only receiving 1 sample per second

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For some reason I am only receiving one sample per second instead of the 512 samples per second the device supports.

@clamport - check out page 9 of this document. Notice the note: With the exception of rawEeg, the headset components are transmitted at a rate of 1Hz. rawEeg, if enabled, is transmitted at a rate no higher than 512Hz..

If you take a look at @dluxemburg 's library, you'll notice a config object, looks something like:

this.config = {
  enableRawOutput: false,
  format: "Json"

You can set rawOutput to true and the module will pass back the raw data. This "works", but I really don't know what any of those numbers mean. Let me know if they look good to you, I'm starting to thing this mindwave thing is really just a random number generator.

Unfortunately, even with raw output enabled, it only outputs only 30 samples per second. With direct bluetooth connection (e.g. https://github.com/robintibor/python-mindwave-mobile), i'v been able to get 512Hz, so it would seem to that this is problem with ThinkGear Connector. Please let me know, if someone has been able to get 512Hz through Node.js!

I got 512Hz raw eeg data just by setting the flag:
enableRawOutput: false