
add support for unbound control unix socket

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hello! unbound now allows to set control-interface to be a unix socket (here):

       control-interface: <ip address or path>
            Give  IPv4 or IPv6 addresses or local socket path to listen on for
            control commands.  By default localhost  (  and  ::1)  is
            listened to.  Use and ::0 to listen to all interfaces.  If
            you change this  and  permissions  have  been  dropped,  you  must
            restart the server for the change to take effect.

            If  you  set  it to an absolute path, a local socket is used.  The
            local socket does not use the  certificates  and  keys,  so  those
            files  need not be present.  To restrict access, unbound sets per-
            missions on the file to the user and group that is configured, the
            access  bits are set to allow the group members to access the con-
            trol socket file.  Put users that need to access the socket in the
            that group.  To restrict access further, create a directory to put
            the control socket in and restrict access to that directory.

since we're planning on start using that, it'd be great if unbound-console could support that too


This feature will be released in next release.

New version 0.3.0 available. Any feedbacks will be appreciated.