title layout
Movie Tracker

This Mid Mod has been retired and made public


We are creating an application to track studios, movies, and actors

  • Studios have a name and location
    • ex. name: 'Universal Studios', location: 'Hollywood'
  • Movies have a title, creation year, and genre
    • ex. title: 'Raiders of the Lost Ark', creation_year: 1981, genre: 'Action/Adventure'
  • Actors have a name and age
    • name: 'Harrison Ford', age: 78
  • Studios have many Movies
  • Movies belong to a Studio
  • Movies have many Actors
  • Actors can be in many Movies

You will need to create all the migrations.

User Stories

Story 1
Studio Index
As a user,
When I visit the studio index page
I see a each studio's name and location
And underneath each studio, I see the titles of all of its movies.
Story 2
Movie Show
As a user,
When I visit a movie's show page.
I see the movie's title, creation year, and genre,
and a list of all its actors from youngest to oldest.
And I see the average age of all of the movie's actors
Story 3
Add an Actor to a Movie
As a user,
When I visit a movie show page,
I do not see any actors listed that are not part of the movie
And I see a form to add an actor to this movie
When I fill in the form with the name of an actor that exists in the database
And I click submit
Then I am redirected back to that movie's show page
And I see the actor's name is now listed
(You do not have to test for a sad path, for example if the name submitted is not an existing actor)


As a user,
When I visit an actor's show page
I see that actors name and age 
And I see a unique list of all of the actors this particular actor has worked with.