
Primary LanguagePython


Installing/Configuring WC_Sync

  • Get an API token from Dropbox
  • create a directory for the application (ie. /Applications/WC_Sync)
  • copy sync_sample.ini to /Applications/WC_Sync/sync.ini
  • edit sync.ini
    • set db_token (from above)
    • set src directory
    • set src file list
    • set dst folder
  • edit org.wc.sync.plist
    • change the installation directory
    • set schedule

Scheduling on OSX using launchd

sudo cp org.wc.sync.plist /Library/LaunchAgents
launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/org.wc.sync.plist

To run it at any time

launchctl start org.wc.sync