
GergoPlex 1 Build

MIT LicenseMIT

GergoPlex Build

My Build log for GergoPlex Kit

This kit comes with SMD parts that are small and fun to solder.

Parts list


  • 2x2.2k labeled 222
  • 2x22k labeled 22R0
  • 2x10k labeled 103


  • 5x0.1uf
  • 2x22pf
  • 1x1uf

Diodes ??x diodes


  • 1x AtmelMega32U4
  • 1x MCP23018 IO port expander


  • 1x oscillator
  • 1x reset switch
  • 9x rubber dot feet
  • 1x usb connector
  • 2x trrs connectors

Build Notes

Reference Layout

Step 1

I decided to solder the diodes first, The diodes have a small line on one side, that side should be sitting on a square pad. Note: it is important to get the direction correct. diodes

Step 2

Next I did the capacitors, these are all brown in my case and have no direction they have to be in. So let's first install the 2x22pf next to the oscillator, Go ahead and solder in the oscillator also. pf22

Next lets install the single 1uf right under the AtmelMega32U4 labeled C3 on the Reference Layout.

Now you have 5 (0.1uf) todo, 4 are all lined up together (C6,C5,C7,C8) and the last one C4. 5x0.1uf

Step 3

All 6 resistors are together they have no direction, it's just a matter of getting the right sizes in the the right place.

Check the images but it should be in the direction going towards capacitor

  • 222
  • 222
  • 103
  • 103
  • 22R0
  • 22R0
  • 0.1uf cap


Step 4

IO expander and the CPU. These will be fun but this is what you came for right? What it should look like You can validate the direction if the chip with the other photos.

After that looks nice ;) go ahead and get the usb, trrs, and reset switch on. usb

At this point I recommend getting the board programmed and tested with tweezers (carefully).

If all checks out, get those switches on ASAP!

I used the build instructions for the Gergo and a little help from @germ.

Here and Here are the directions I used to build, these notes are just my attempt to answer some of the questions I had, based on the differences between the 2 boards.

Here are the tools I used to get this build done. tools