
App aborted with error: "Error launching engine: The application “Habitica” could not be launched because it is corrupt. The app may not have launched properly. If it did, the engine will not be properly cleaned up upon quitting." [main(665)]

icotext opened this issue · 8 comments

*[33664]HabiticaC540(545)/launchapp(2883): Error launching engine: The application “Habitica” could not be launched because it is corrupt.
![33664]HabiticaC540(665)/abortreport(1155)/abort(1093): Aborting: Error launching engine: The application “Habitica” could not be launched because it is corrupt. The app may not have launched properly. If it did, the engine will not be properly cleaned up upon quitting.

Hi @icotext, has this been happening with many of your apps, or was a a fluke that just happened once with one app? Thanks!

Hmm, so on updating an app to 2.4.x, it generally doesn't launch correctly the first time? If possible, I'd be interested to see a log of the update run you're describing. When an app updates, it should launch normally, and show an extra page with info about the update...

The logs are found in ~/Library/Application Support/Epichrome/Apps/<AppID>/Logs. Ideally, what I'd love to see is if you could run an app that needs updating with debugging on, so I can get a full log of the update run. You'd do this from the terminal like this:

open <> --args --epichrome-debug


I'm going to try some different strategies with the launch code to see if I can prevent this from happening. Do these errors occur frequently for you, or is it only rarely?

Version 2.4.5 will be up shortly, and I've added a retry to the launch code, in the hope that if it hits this type of error it can just make a second attempt and launch successfully. If you continue to get launch errors after updating to 2.4.5, please let me know and I'll see if there are any other things I can try. Thanks!