
Icon set to chrome default regularly while app is running

talleux opened this issue · 1 comments

I have this issue since about a week now and then for different apps, on a non reproducible way:
while an app is running, all of a sudden the icon is set to the chrome default. When i close the app, the icon appears again. Once this happen, i can reproduce this:

  • Start the app --> icon set to chrome default. I can see this happen in the finder
  • close the app --> App is correct in the finder

Epichrome Scan sees no problem to fix.
Editing the app and setting a new icon helps. Also using a backup version.

Important: i think this happens only with icons created before Epichrome converts the icon to Big Sur style...

PS: i have no need for this to be fixed, it's more as information in case this can be usefull.
I successively let epichrome recreate the icon of all my apps...

Duplicate of #290

I'm going to move all discussion of this to that issue. Thanks!