
Web Login for humanID Project

Primary LanguagePHP

humanID: Web Login Integration


  • humanID act as a Authentication service. It replaces traditional username password with One Time Password that is sent via SMS. See the difference between Authentication and Authorization.
  • Partner App have a full control over Authorization. Therefore, Partner App can use existing Authorization process.



  • humanID Server Credentials, a Server Credentials is consist of:
    • Server Client ID
    • Server Client Secret
  • App Back-end, to receive authentication Callback from humanID

Feature to obtain Server Credentials and to configure Callback URL is not yet available at humanID Developer Console. Please contact developers@human-id.org and ask for Web Login Integration Set-up

The authentication process can be illustrated in the following diagram:

alt text

1. Create a Log-in Page

Create a Log-in page that contains this button.


Get Log-in button image or put this scripts below into your Web App:

<a href="{{REPLACE_WITH_TARGET_URL}}"><img src="anonymous-login.svg" alt="Anonymous Login with humanID" height="27"></a>

2. Create a Log-in API

When user click the log-in with button, Web App will make request to the App Backend and then page will be redirected to web-login.human-id.org.

To obtain Log-in URL, App Back-end will call API Request Web Log-in Session (See Documentation below). The API call must be done between Host-to-Host in order to protect Server Credentials.

Once App Backend received response that contains Log-in URL, redirect page to given URL to open humanID Web Log-in Page

3. Create Log-in Callback API

After user successfully Log-in with humanID, page will be redirected to a registered Log-in Callback URL. Callback URL contains Exchange Token, which is a URL Encoded token that will be used to obtain User ID.

A Log-in callback URL is formatted:


For example:


URL Decode Exchange Token and use it as paramter to call API Exchange Token (See Details) to obtain User ID.

Once App Backend receive response from API call, use given User ID to authorize User so User could access the Web App contents.

Handle Error Response

If log-in failed, humanID will redirect to configured Log-in Callback URL that formatted:


To check whether log-in failed or not, simply check if parameter et appended in callback URL

API Documentation

API Request Web Log-in Session

  • Endpoint URL

    • POST https://core.human-id.org/v0.0.3/server/users/web-login
  • Request

    • Headers
      Key Value
      client-id <SERVER_CLIENT_ID>
      client-secret <SERVER_CLIENT_SECRET>
      Content-Type application/json
    • Query Parameters:
      Key Value Description
      lang Language to show
  • Response Example

    • Success
          "success": true,
          "code": "OK",
          "message": "Success",
          "data": {
              "webLoginUrl": "https://web-login.human-id.org/login?t=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJwdXJwb3NlIjoid2ViLWxvZ2luL3JlcXVlc3QtbG9naW4tb3RwIiwic2lnbmF0dXJlIjoiODNiMDMxNjMwMTkzMjE5ZjMzNWM2MGI0OGU2MGQ5MzVlZWQ5ZDkzNDNlYjRiZmFjYzRlOTFmMTUxOTVhMDVlNyIsImlhdCI6MTU5OTI3MTczNSwiZXhwIjoxNTk5MjcyMDM1LCJzdWIiOiJTRVJWRVJfR1hJVFM3TlZZM0RETVozNVdVSDdDWCIsImp0aSI6InR1SWdOdU1LMjBseGI3a2pGeG9DUFNMeUx2UE8yNkJuWmtmMHc1WjZvTG9PcTlhZkRMblJGSHh0VHVGZllRSGoifQ.CVUA8DYOAk0nbu0_ftTFNMwtfCJ32hCqY_6MKP43Sg8&a=IO5T8PZH2O15N8SV&lang=en"
    • Error: Invalid Server Credentials
          "success": false,
          "code": "401",
          "message": "Unauthorized"

API Exchange Token

  • Endpoint URL

    • POST https://core.human-id.org/v0.0.3/server/users/exchange
  • Request

    • Headers
      Key Value
      client-id <SERVER_CLIENT_ID>
      client-secret <SERVER_CLIENT_SECRET>
      Content-Type application/json
    • Body
        "exchangeToken": "0BYLCicta3dO5DrTkrfQxo7Z4hxmyAh5OwuVPEGS5SlnBGwY+A/t7BNKzGcZFGqGOnI97nGQJ6SGoMf8vyux+D3AYmk63CR9AUnO7f+zlTL4MX9t2OhBdMZoLNP21ucvnTjiR5EIO7qwnFRVN4VquMCUMV8Kmt7N1s6V3yXHmDM="
  • Response Example

    • Success
          "success": true,
          "code": "OK",
          "message": "Success",
          "data": {
              "userAppId": "<UNIQUE_USER_ID>",
              "countryCide": "ID"

Error Codes

Code HTTP Status Message
ERR_1 400 Invalid exchange token
ERR_2 400 Exchange token has been expired"
ERR_3 403 Existing login found
ERR_4 401 Invalid App Secret
ERR_5 400 Invalid verification code
ERR_6 401 User is not granted to current app
ERR_7 403 App has no permission to access user data
ERR_8 400 Requested App is equals to existing User Hash
ERR_9 403 deviceId is not authorized
ERR_10 400 Invalid phone number input
ERR_11 400 Invalid OTP Session
ERR_12 400 Resend has reached limit
ERR_13 400 Failed attempt has reached limit
ERR_14 400 Wait for allowed next resend timestamp
ERR_15 400 OTP Session has expired
ERR_17 400 App not found
ERR_18 400 credentialTypeId must be Server (1) or Mobile (2)
ERR_19 400 clientId not found for given App
ERR_26 400 Invalid Web Log-in requester server credential
ERR_27 400 Invalid Web Log-in session signature
ERR_28 400 Redirect URL is not configured in App
ERR_29 400 Invalid App configuration request body
WSDK_01 200 The session has expired, please start again
WSDK_02 200 Time expired - Please restart verification process

Example of error format : https://human-id.org/?code=ERR_11&message=Invalid%20OTP%20Session