
Peer to Peer file sharing python program

Primary LanguagePython

P2P Share

Peer to Peer file transfer over the network


  • Using pip and GitHub
    pip3 install git+https://github.com/dmdhrumilmistry/P2Pshare.git
  • Clone Method
    • clone repo
      git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/dmdhrumilmistry/P2Pshare.git
    • change directory
      cd P2Pshare
    • install using pip
      pip3 install -e .

Create Standalone

  • Clone repo and change to repo directory
  • Using pyinstaller
    pip3 install pyinstaller
    pyinstaller --onefile -n p2pshare/__main__.py
  • Get executable from dist directory


$ p2pshare -h


$ python3 -m p2pshare -h

usage: p2pshare [-h] [-i IP] [-p PORT] [-buff BUFF_SIZE] [-t {send,recv}] [-d SAVE_DIR] [-f FILE_PATH]
                   [-to TIMEOUT] [-conn CONNECTIONS]

Share files over the network between peers

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i IP, --ip IP        ip address of the sender
  -p PORT, --port PORT  port of the sender
  -buff BUFF_SIZE, --buff-size BUFF_SIZE
                        Buffer Size
  -t {send,recv}, --type {send,recv}
                        Peer Type: send/recv
  -d SAVE_DIR, --directory SAVE_DIR
                        directory to save received files
  -f FILE_PATH, --file FILE_PATH
                        path of the file to be sent
  -to TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                        connection timeout
  -conn CONNECTIONS, --connections CONNECTIONS
                        number of simultaneous connections for sender
  • examples
    • Send File p2pshare -t send -ip -p 9898 -f myfile.ext
    • Receive File p2pshare -t recv -ip -p 9898 -d /home/user/Downloads

Transfer files over the internet

  • Start p2pshare sender

  • Using ngrok

    • Download and install ngrok
    • Set auth token generated after registration
      ngrok authtoken [your_token]
    • Create TCP tunnel
      ngrok tcp [p2pshare_sender_port]

    default p2pshare sender port is 9898

    • After tunnel has been created successfully consider below line from the output:
      Forwarding   tcp://[something].tcp.ngrok.io:[ngrok_port] -> localhost:9898

      while connecting use host:[something].tcp.ngrok.io and port:[ngrok_port]

    • Connect to sender
      p2pshare -t recv -i [something].tcp.ngrok.io -p [ngrok_port] -d [save_path]


  • The files are not encrypted during transmission. To transfer files securely use pysecuretransfer which authenticates user and sends encrypted file which can be decrypted only using user's password.


MIT License