Error in similarity calculation
jairofsouza opened this issue · 2 comments
Hi @DonatoMeoli
Thank you for your code!
I'm using the class SimilarityCalculationDemo and I noticed it returns 0 in all similarity algorithms for some words. For example, I've tested with (car, vehicle) and (cancer, disease).
I guess the problem is at
It's necessary adding the code:
double score = relatedness.getScore(); if (score > maxScore) maxScore = score;
Do you think it is correct?
And the WuPalmer metric gets an error using (cancer, disease). The problem is at
It's not clear to me why you are checking the maxscore. Would you mind explain it to me, please? :-)
Hi @jairofsouza,
thx for opening this issue. Several years have passed since I wrote this code, honestly, I don't remember exactly why I wrote this.
Anyway, can you make a PR and make sure that the unit and cross-referenced tests with python NLTK are successful?
Thx for the contribution.