Contains the problem set solutions from Stanford's cs224d during self study of that course
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- 1
- 0
Experiment with hidden layer initialization parameters other than xavier
#21 opened by dmitrinesterenko - 1
Add a script
#24 opened by dmitrinesterenko - 0
Epoch = 0 will always restart a new model so the first epoch is wasted
#44 opened by dmitrinesterenko - 1
Delete the provisioned volume from AWS
#27 opened by dmitrinesterenko - 0
- 1
Changing to an optimizer that learns variables results in an exception
#32 opened by dmitrinesterenko - 1
Add specific targeting for active EC2 spot instances by using the --filters parameter in the aws cli command
#31 opened by dmitrinesterenko - 3
ValueError: Variable RNNLM/training/RNNLM/model_1/rnn_outputs/Adam/ does not exist, or was not created with tf.get_variable(). Did you mean to set reuse=None in VarScope?
#16 opened by dmitrinesterenko