
About description update

Closed this issue · 4 comments

The Github 'About' description reads

RFC for common in-memory tensor structure and operator interface for deep learning system

I believe this could be updated to remove RFC now that dlpack is accepted across many communities.

Updated About proposal:
Common in-memory tensor structure and operator interface for deep learning systems

sounds good, a PR is welcomed!

Could we please remove the phrase "deep learning systems"? With Array API we aim to go far beyond that.

@tqchen The About field that motivated this issue is a Github setting in this case so I can't open a PR for that:

However I do notice PROJECT_BRIEF similarly described in that I can change,

PROJECT_BRIEF = "RFC for common tensor and operator guideline in deep learning system"

@leofang We could remove "deep learning systems". OTOH the repo is "DL"Pack. Perhaps instead of removing "deep learning" we could modify to,

Common in-memory tensor structure and operator interface for deep learning and other systems
