
enum size is not guaranteed to be sizeof(int)

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DLDevice definition in dlpack:

typedef struct {
  /*! \brief The device type used in the device. */
  DLDeviceType device_type;
  /*! \brief The device index */
  int device_id;
} DLDevice;

t_tvm_device_ definition in

  t_tvm_device_ = llvm::StructType::create({t_int_, t_int_});

if dlpack was built with gcc -fshort-enums, then sizeof(DLDeviceType) will be 1 instead of 4, which will cause some errors when accessing device_type from llvm. one case I found is

  Bind_(device_type, TVMArrayGet(DataType::Int(32), handle, builtin::kArrDeviceType),
        arg_name + ".device_type", true);

add one dummy device type with value 0xffffffff in DLDeviceType should fix this issue