
"npm install" clarification

stela5 opened this issue · 3 comments

Sorry if this is a newbie/obvious question, but your instructions say Then each time you clone the repo, use: $ npm install

If this just needs to happen when you clone the repo, why don't you just include it in your section? For example: git clone --depth 1 && cd gulp-frontend-boilerplate && rm -rf .git && npm install

Perhaps at a higher level, I'd like to understand the developer workflow a little better using your promising tool. Thanks in advance!

At the moment, the way I read it is:

  1. run the provided command to clone dmnsgn/gulp-frontend-boilerplate and remove the .git version control folder
  2. run npm run init to configure the app
  3. add your new app to your own version control (i.e. acme/myapp) -- the node_modules folder is excluded via .gitignore
  4. developer Bob from the Acme Company clones the myapp repo to his local laptop and runs npm install to get the necessary npm modules and begins development.

Am I on the right track?

If this just needs to happen when you clone the repo, why don't you just include it in your section?

You are supposed to clone the repo dmnsgn/gulp-frontend-boilerplate once and then run the init step once to set up your project (npm run init). This init step is modifying your package.json dependencies to fit your needs; that is why the npm install is called after and can't be include in the "get me the boilerplate files on my machine" step.

You got the workflow right in your second comment ;) Is it clearer for you ?

Thanks for the clarification