
Malford public key

ArpitDadh opened this issue · 2 comments

When I try to integrate it in my React app..

I used "Origin key" provided by Adyen as the "adyenKey"

// var adyenKey = 'pub.v2.8015565304900201.aHR0cHM6Ly9kZXYubGxlc3VvcmFjLmNvbQ.kSRpd4gWCUF0K1E2WaXAODtk3_HXGy9q9wyFi8TAu6s';
// var options = {}; // See adyen-encrypt.js for details
// var cardData = {
// number : '5577 0000 5577 0004', // 'xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx'
// cvc : '737', //'xxx'
// holderName : 'customer', // 'John Doe'
// expiryMonth : '10', //'MM'
// expiryYear : '2020', // 'YYYY'
// generationtime : new Date().toISOString() // new Date().toISOString()
// };
// var cseInstance = adyenEncrypt.createEncryption(adyenKey, options);
// cseInstance.validate(cardData);
// console.log(cseInstance);
// var dataEncrypted = cseInstance.encrypt(cardData);
// console.log(dataEncrypted);

I used these Dummy data.

It gives me "cseInstance.encrypt(cardData)" this as a "Malford public key".

Can you please help me in this. I am stuck
Thanks in advance.

dmop commented

Update the package please

@ArpitDadh Did you solve this? I have the same problem with my originKey "pub.v2.1115434210450369.aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYXctbGFiLmNvbQ.bvvCQj8xdpi0fvEKIAB1-EEgqV_mMcb1MGzkDKNm9Q8"
It seems that the lib expects a key with "|" inside.
@dmop I know that is deprecated but I need to use it for reverse engineer a payment site, do you know any solution?