
Small SPARQL protocol proxy server

Primary LanguagePython

SPARQLProtocolProxy is a small proxy server based on Python's BaseHTTPRequestHandler and exposes a SPARQL protocol interface not so strictly following the W3C recommendation (http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-protocol/).

What it does

SPARQLProtocolProxy supports any SPARQL-based triple store that rdflib and SuRF support and makes it accessible through the standardized SPARQL protocol interface:

  • rdflib IOMemory
  • MySQL (rdflib 2.4.2)
  • AllegroGraph
  • Sesame2
  • any SPARQL protocol compliant store, and many more.

This server supports CORS, see http://enable-cors.org/.

You might want to use Deniz (http://github.com/cburgmer/deniz) to query data exposed by this proxy.


Run with:

$ python sparqlprotocolproxy.py --cors --port 8000


  • rdflib
  • SuRF

And one out of:

  • surf.sesame2
  • surf.rdflib
  • surf.allegro_franz
  • surf.sparql_protocol

For example install with:

$ easy_install SuRF surf.rdflib

Howto run with Virtuoso

Install surf.sparql_protocol and change the store settings of the SPARQLHTTPProxy to:

DEFAULT_STORE_SETTINGS = {'reader': "sparql_protocol",
                          'endpoint': 'http://localhost:8890/sparql'}


Please report bugs to http://github.com/cburgmer/sparqlprotocolproxy/issues.

Christoph Burgmer <cburgmer (at) ira uka de>