
Abnormal code termination.

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Good morning everyone. I'm using pylogix and it often crashes with the following error. Can anyone help me solve the problem? Thank you.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/nino/TorrreP2/", line 118, in
dati_adesso = leggi_tags()
File "/home/nino/TorrreP2/", line 99, in leggi_tags
ret = comm.Read(tags)
File "/home/nino/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pylogix/", line 120, in Read
return self._batch_read(tag)
File "/home/nino/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pylogix/", line 279, in _batch_read
result.extend(self._multi_read(tags[len(result):], False))
File "/home/nino/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pylogix/", line 425, in _multi_read
return self._parse_multi_read(tags_effective, ret_data)
File "/home/nino/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pylogix/", line 1474, in _parse_multi_read
status = unpack_from('<b', stripped, offset + 2)[0]
struct.error: unpack_from requires a buffer of at least 207 bytes for unpacking 1 bytes at offset 206 (actual buffer size is 176)

Can you post a simple example that causes this issue? It will probably be important to know the tags and their data types.

For future reference please provide an mre.

For your case it would be one script with one Read call, in a while loop and a sleep of N seconds. We don't need to know about sms and other stuff going on.

Also ensure that you are using code tags when posting so that is formatted properly.

What are the data types for the tags giving you the exception?

Does the same exception happens when doing individual reads?

When opening an issue there's a template for some questions and you didn't provide those.

OS type and version?
Pylogix version?
Python version?
PLC model?

Good morning. The error manifested itself with the following code. The tags I read are two to simplify. The first is an integer, the other is boolean. I would like to point out that the Raspberry Pi 3 is connected to the PLC via a HyperLAN network at a distance of 10 km. Might you need code that checks the connection and avoids blocking code execution? Let me start by saying that I am a newbie. Thank you.
[342, True]
12/10/2023, 11:32:31
['Livello 3.42 mt 😃']
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/nino/TorrreP2/", line 49, in
dati_adesso = leggi_tags()
File "/home/nino/TorrreP2/", line 34, in leggi_tags
ret = comm.Read(tags)
File "/home/nino/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pylogix/", line 120, in Read
return self._batch_read(tag)
File "/home/nino/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pylogix/", line 265, in _batch_read
conn = self.conn.connect()
File "/home/nino/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pylogix/", line 49, in connect
return self._connect(connected)
File "/home/nino/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pylogix/", line 104, in _connect
ret_data = self.receive_data()
File "/home/nino/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pylogix/", line 181, in receive_data
part = self.Socket.recv(4096)
socket.timeout: timed out

(program exited with code: 1)
Press return to continue

#from future import print_function
#import gammu
import sys
import logging
import time
from pylogix import PLC

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from threading import Timer

#Timestamp ******************************************************************************************************************************
def Data_Ora():
    DataOraReport = []
    timestamp = time.time()
    date_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)
    str_date_time = date_time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y, %H:%M:%S")
    DataOraReport = (str_date_time)
    return DataOraReport

#Variabili PLC **************************************************************************************************************************

#Legge le tags nel PLC *******************************************************************************************************************

def leggi_tags():
    value_tags = [] 

    with PLC() as comm:
        comm.IPAddress = '***.***.***.***'
        ret = comm.Read(tags)

    for r in ret:
    return value_tags

dati_prima = leggi_tags()
did_change = False
while True: 
    TimeStampAdesso = Data_Ora()  
    dati_adesso = leggi_tags()
    # Loop che comprende tutti i valori e li compara
    items_variati = []  # <- New list
    indici_variati = [] 
    for val_adesso, val_prima in zip(dati_adesso, dati_prima):

        # Compara nuovi valori con quelli precedenti
        if val_adesso != val_prima:
            print(f"I valori {val_adesso} {val_prima} sono diversi")

            items_variati.append(val_adesso)  # <- Aggiungi un item alla lista
    did_change = True

    if did_change:
        dati_prima = dati_adesso
        did_change = False
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Verifica Misure Analogiche Idrauliche ****************************************************************************************************

# Livello Torre  *************************************************************************************************************************
    LivTorreP2 = (dati_adesso[0]) # integer
    LivTorreP2_OK = (dati_adesso[1]) # boolean
    MesLiv = []

    if (LivTorreP2_OK) == True :
        MesLiv.append ("Livello "+ str(LivTorreP2/100) + " mt" + " \U0001F603")

        if (LivTorreP2/100) > 4.20 and (LivTorreP2_OK) == True:
            MesLiv.append ("Livello "+ str(LivTorreP2/100) + " mt" + " alto \U00002B06") 

        elif (LivTorreP2/100) < 2.30 and (LivTorreP2_OK) == True:
            MesLiv.append ("Livello "+ str(LivTorreP2/100) + " mt" + " basso \U00002B07")

        MesLiv.append("Livello " + "***" + " mt" + " \U0001F621")


  • RaspBerry PI 3
  • Raspbian GNU/Linux11 (bulleye)
  • Python 3.9.2
  • Pylogix 0.8.14
  • PLC AB CompactLogix

Ah, okay, the details about the network are important. Seems like maybe the request makes it to the PLC, but you never get a response. I'll have to recreate the same scenario.

Good morning everyone. Is there any news regarding this problem? Thanks for your contribution.

Nothing yet. I'll work on it as soon as I can

I see what is going on @horus61, I'm working on a fix.

@horus61, try 0.9.1