I need to show loader till complete image generating from audio URL.
SantoshProdev opened this issue · 2 comments
SantoshProdev commented
let asset = AVURLAsset(url: url)
let width = (SCREENWIDTH() * CGFloat(Double(CMTimeGetSeconds(asset.duration))))/self.vdoDur
let x = (SCREENWIDTH() - 170)/2
self.waveformImageView = WaveformImageView(frame: CGRect(x: x, y: 15, width: width, height: 20))
self.waveformImageView.configuration = Waveform.Configuration(
backgroundColor: .clear,
style: .striped(.init(color: UIColor(red: 209/255.0, green: 209/255.0, blue: 209/255.0, alpha: 1), width: 5, spacing: 5)),
verticalScalingFactor: 0.5
self.waveformImageView.waveformAudioURL = url
how can i know image is loaded via audio URL.
Can you help me find solution of this?
dmrschmidt commented
Hey @software124. For UIKit, this is not currently supported by WaveformImageView
. It is supported in SwiftUI's WaveformView
(see last example there in the linked README).
Using SwiftUI would be my recommended approach.
If you cannot use SwiftUI, the best alternative is using standard UIImageView
s in conjunction with WaveformImageDrawer
SantoshProdev commented
Thank you @dmrschmidt.