
inc/dec memory

ukcroupier opened this issue · 4 comments

Any chance we could use inc/dec directly on memory

eg INC &1536 instead of poke 1536,peek(1536)+1

As it was said in issue #14, INC is for WORDs, so it would also include address 1537. Was that what you expected?

No, I'm not talking about variables but memory locations.

Neither I do, I'm talking about a pair of memory locations, i.e. a word (16 bits). INC and DEC won't work on bytes (8 bits).

What we need is some kind of memory pointer operator, but that's another kind of request.

dmsc commented

Hi @ukcroupier

As Vitoco said, INC and DEC only work on WORD values, so applying to a memory location this would mean:


Is this what you need?

You could post a code example of the proposed usage of INC / DEC memory.

Have Fun!