
POST errors (500) : Files missing - Architect

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I have these errors while launching architect and while creating new floor:

  • View nav/building_all does not exist
  • Execution exception[[ViewDoesNotExistException: View nav/cuid_all_by_owner does not exist.]]
  • View nav/floor_by_buid does not exist. View heatmaps/accessPoint_by_floor_building does not exist.
  • Execution exception[[ViewDoesNotExistException: View heatmaps/accessPoint_by_floor_building does not exist.]]

I fix it. If you have the same problem just set the couchbase login credentials in
anyplace-master/server/anyplace_views/ and then launch it.

I am getting these errors while launching architect - - [20/Jan/2020 05:51:30] code 501, message Unsupported method ('POST') - - [20/Jan/2020 05:51:30] "POST /anyplace/mapping/building/all_owner HTTP/1.1" 501 -

i am getting same error.
POST http://localhost:8080/anyplace/mapping/building/all_owner 501 (Unsupported method ('POST'))
POST http://localhost:8080/anyplace/mapping/campus/all_owner 501 (Unsupported method ('POST'))
POST http://localhost:8080/anyplace/mapping/accounts/sign 501 (Unsupported method ('POST'))