
Android 9 does not allow to upload radiomap

Opened this issue · 10 comments

Version 2.5.3 does work with Android 9, but 2.5.4 has bugs.

It has been tested on two almost identical devices. Xiaomi Redmi Note 8, both with Android 9 and new Redmi Note 8T.

On the Note 8, there were previous files and folders from anyplace, but on the Note 8 T there was nothing from anyplace previously.

The rss-log files are generated correctly on the device. The error is at some point in the upload to the server.

I attach one of the rss-log files that have been copied from the device.

If you need more information on debugging, let me know.

having the same issue here- really want to test on my campus and can't do it? any quick workarounds?

Luckily, I have the previous version to use it until is fixed

Thank you! can't wait to test this out = going to present results to my boss at the end of the week :)
we're looking at how Anyplace can be used for blind navigation

have been trying unsuccessfully to upload an rss file all day... but at least it's trying to upload now.... so that's something

check version 2.5.5 should be fixed

The only solution for me at the moment has been to find the rsslog file on the device, extract it manually from the sdcard/Anyplace folder and upload it using the Anyplace API.

@Dalinkovic that sounds right - my uploads are still stalling about half way through, even after clearing them and starting fresh

@Dalinkovic what documentation are you using for your api uploads?

I do not know if there is documentation of this. I did research. I have Android Studio and with the Device Explorer menu you can look for the rsslog file (you can configure the name of the file in the APP) in the path / sdcard / Anyplace

Then with ADB you can PULL this file in your hard drive. And with that file you can call the API
Endpoint = Upload RSS Log
Get token from Architect.

Be careful, several recordings accumulate in the same file.

I hope you find it useful

Thank you for taking the time to explain this to me 👍 = greatly appreciated