
Cannot call API with external client

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Hi everyone,

I've builded succesfully my own server of Anyplace redirected to my endpoint with SSL, everything seems to work fine in architect now and when I try to call the APIs using the /developers page It gives me the correct results, but when I try to call the APIs with an external client like Postman or using curl adding the same endopoint showed in the /developers page I obtain this error:
call: POST https://my_own_server/anyplace/mapping/building/all

result: {"message":"Cannot parse request body as Json object!","status_code":400,"status":"error"}

I tried adding to the headers content-type: application/json but nothing was changed and I've another error

Client Error: 404: Error ID: AP2xB6D0211F9B75

Requested: POST /anyplace/mapping/building/all SSL:true

To open a new issue visit:

Please reference Error ID (AP2xB6D0211F9B75)

Can anyone please help me to understanding and fixing this issue?

Thanks in advance