
Docker not respecting port changes

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi there,
I'd like to deploy an anyplace server via docker. I'm using the development branch which has the up to date docker files, but I'd like to run on a non-standard port (I was using 8098, but that's fairly arbitrary). I configured the following values ANYPLACE_PORT_HTTPS=8099 ANYPLACE_PORT_HTTP=8098 in .env but it looks like docker is still using port 80 on startup, as it fails with a port conflict error (I have other services running on port 80).
I've also tried modifying the ports section of the anyplace docker-compose.yml as follows:
ports: - 8098:80 - 8099:443

This avoids the errors, but I can't seem to access the service on those ports. Are there any additional settings that need to be changed?

I'm also experiencing #353 when running on standard ports; any update on this?

Had another play with this today, and worked out that you need to set ports: - 8098:8090 - 8099:8099 to get things working.