
Fingerprints and Heatmaps API

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I'm working on my end-degree-project based on the technology of Anyplace related to individual positioning. Since the API was updated I can no longer access neither to fingerprints (for a user or for the whole data collected for a building). Instead, I'm only getting the heat map-based coords via this endpoint: /api/heatmap/floor/average/X (where X means the 3 possible methods available)

So, What endpoint should I use in order to get fingerprints? Is there any yet?

HI @rodgarcas ,

In server/ we have listed most of the endpoint changes that were performed.

Our previous instance of the backend runs at:
Perhaps the endpoint you were looking for works there (also old docs at: 9443/developers).

Briefly, most of the endpoints were rewritten in MongoDB and moved to server/conf/api.routes. The documentation is at /developers but it needs further work. Some other endpoints weren't used and were completely dropped,
while a few others were moved to server/conf/unused.routes (and are not in use).

In worst case you could fork an old version and run it locally.

Good luck with your thesis, and thanks for using Anyplace!