
Apply texture to a Shade3d object such as Cube3d

duckt14 opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi, I'm trying to apply a texture image to a Cube3d, but in the renderer window the cube hasn't texture and it appears black on all faces.
I'm using these two different ways:

texture <- here("3D/texture/txt.png")
shade3d(cube3d(), texture = texture) or shade3d(cube3d(texture = texture))

But it doesn't work. With the Sphere3d it works well.
Is there any solution?
Very thanks,

  • rgl Version: 1.0.1
  • R Version: 4.2.2
  • Platform: Windows 10

Okay, I've tested using this line shade3d(cube3d(texture = texture, col = "white")) and I attach you the results. With sphere works correctly and with the cube I've obtained only a colored mesh. Perhaps, I need to add some settings; I've tried follow the reference about material but I'm not able to showing the texture on cube. :-/

This is the texture:


These are the results:


It looks as though you have specified texture coordinates on the sphere but not on the cube. You can see what the space coordinates of the cube are by running cube3d()$vb. Those are homogeneous coordinates, one vertex per column. You need to choose where each vertex should show up in the texture. Here's one example:

cube <- cube3d(texcoords = cbind(vb[1,] + vb[2,] + vb[3,],
                                 vb[1,] - vb[2,] + 2*vb[3,]), 
               col = "white",
               texture = system.file("textures/rgl2.png", package="rgl"))

This gives this image:

Screen Shot 2023-01-25 at 2 51 41 PM

One problem you'll have if you try to put a texture on a cube is that texture coordinates map to vertices, which means you get the same texture coordinate at the vertex on all three faces that meet there; it's not like drawing a PNG file on each face. To do that, you would need to plot 6 quads (with a total of 24 vertices and 24 texture coordinate pairs). This does that:

id <- shade3d(cube, meshColor = "faces")
vertices <- rgl.attrib(id, "vertices")
quads3d(vertices, col = "white", 
        texcoords = cbind(rep(c(0, 0, 1, 1), 6), 
                          rep(c(0, 1, 1, 0), 6)), 
        texture = system.file("textures/rgl2.png", package="rgl"))

Screen Shot 2023-01-25 at 3 02 46 PM

It works!! Really many thanks Duncan for the help and for your work. 🙏❣️

@dmurdoch is there a solution to apply different texture on each cube faces?