
Images won't load initially on tvOS

NoahKamara opened this issue · 4 comments

Summary and/or background
Images won't load initially on tvOS

OS and what device you are using

  • OS: tvOS 14.5.1
  • Simulator (ATV 4K 2nd gen)

Version of URLImage library
The version of the library where the bug happens.

  • =3.0.0 (2.2.5 works)

  • The bug is reproducible in the latest version.

What you expected would happen
The image should be loading and then displaying

What actually happens

  • URLImage displays "empty"-view (Green color in example)
  • I open and close modal sheet
  • URLImage displays "inProgress"-view (Yellow in example)
  • URLImage displays image

Sample code

struct TestView: View {
    @State var showsSheet: Bool = false
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            HStack {
                Button(action: {
                }) {
                    Text("Sheet Cover")
                URL(string: "")!,
                empty: { },
                inProgress: { _ in Color.yellow },
                failure: { _,_ in}
            ) { image, info in
        .sheet(isPresented: $showsSheet) {
            ZStack {
                VStack {
                    Text("Sheet Cover")
                    Button(action: { showsSheet.toggle() }) {

Test data
I'm using Lorem Picsum

Additional information


  • I read the documentation and it didn't help;
  • I searched for similar issues.

Hey, thank you for detailed report and sample code. It seems that something triggers onDisappear event that cancels loading. I'm gonna investigate later on, for now you can set .environment(\.urlImageOptions, URLImageOptions(loadOptions: [ .loadImmediately ] )) to start load as soon as the view is initialised.

Recently I was getting many similar bug reports, so I decided to change default behaviour to start loading when the view is rendered. There's also a new section in README that explains differences: Start Loading. If you're using List you may get better performance with old behaviour.

Thanks for the quick fix :D I added the environment key and the build seems to perform fine :D

Hey there,
iOS 15 DEV Beta 2 fixes this:


Could this be related to this issue?