Doesn't seem to know it's in a git repo
boblindman opened this issue · 6 comments
boblindman commented
Windows 10, VS code 1.77.1
I keep getting this error when generating a commit message "The current directory must be a Git repository!"
I have confirmed it's a Git repo and I can make commits if I manually enter a comment. I have also established my Open IA key works,
ParkingLotGames commented
Oxicode commented
same error here!
flavienbwk commented
There is an alternative I use :
Dowser commented
Same error here on my Windows machine, when I'm using the same extension synced over to my mac working with the same repo it works great.
dmytrobaida commented
Seems like this issue on all windows machines. Fixing it in new version
dmytrobaida commented
Should be fixed in version 1.0.5. Please create new issue if problem exists. Thanks