
implement error status and reset to default style

ClarkXP opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi, I think that the library should implement an error state (when a login has been failed by an user or password error), and a reset method for return to initial style (text and drawable).

Sorry my english is bad.

Good idea, will try to implemented in on weekend.

Haha I also needed to reset the button the it's default state (In my scenario the button triggers a scan, which the user should be able to start again once finished).

So I implemented a "back to normal state" feature, and only then bothered to look if someone else already requested this feature...

If you want I'll submit a pull-request.

In my opinion, the state should be determined by the progress on setProgress:

  1. If 0 < progress >= maxProgress: State is "Loading".
  2. if progress == 0: State is "Normal"
  3. (For error state support) if progress < 0: Error State

Do you agree or do you think that there is a need for an explicit state-selection methods (such like stopProgress)?

I agree to all above.

Because some buttons could also have endless loading, beside setProgress method we need to add wrapper methods to make API more clear.

setErrorState = setProgress(-1)
setNormalState = setProgress(0)
setLoadingState = setProgress(1)
setCompleteState = setProgress(100)

Of course replace above with one methods and constants like setState(ProcessButton.STATE_COMPLETE);

New version 0.0.4 is available as a snapshot from maven and pushed to dev brunch:

repositories {
    maven { url "" }
compile ''

Key changes

Renamed attributes:

  • progressText -> textProgress
  • completeText -> textComplete

Added attribute to control button corner roundness:

  • cornerRadius

Now state depends on progress:

  • normal state [0]
  • progress state [1-99]
  • success state [100]
  • error state [-1] *new

Added abstract drawProgress method to simplify creation different progress buttons.

General code clean-up.

Thanks to @avrahamshuk I used some code from your pull request. Please check this version, maybe I missed something. Thanks in advance.

Thank you, I will check it now