
zkteco new device

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Hi everyone

I recently bought a PFace202 Device.
My old device - MultiBio700 - it was working with "php_zklib"
But i had a problem with my new device

My problem is solved when I edited current code to this:

Best Regards

$zk 	= new ZKLib("", 4370);
$ret 	= $zk->connect();
//if ( $ret ):  //REMOVE IT!!!
//endif //REMOVE IT!!!

AND in zkattendance.php replce

$id = intval( str_replace("\0", '', hex2bin( substr($u[1], 6, 8) ) ) );
$id = intval( preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/", '', hex2bin( substr($u[1], 6, 8) ) ) );