
Multi-fasta file

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I have been running CASC on a multi-fasta file with thousands of sequences, and got this:

===== CASC Started. Log can be found here: /xx

== Spliting the FASTA file ............................ Done [2Jul2021 10:38]
== Running mCRT to find putative spacers .............. Done [2Jul2021 10:39]
== Extracting sequences with putative spacers ......... Done [2Jul2021 10:39]
WARNING: You cannot use more CPUs than there are sequences. Dont worry, ncpus has been adjusted to 3
== Comparing putative repeats against the repeat DB ... Done [2Jul2021 10:39]
== Searching for Cas proteins ......................... Done [2Jul2021 10:39]
== Gathering and printing results ..................... Done [2Jul2021 10:39]

===== CASC Finished!

There were 4 CPUs reserved originally. I am confused with "You cannot use more CPUs than there are sequences", does the program see all those sequences that I have in the fasta input file, or does it see only three? The spacers were found in three sequences.

Best regards,