
Create more tags/releases

waisbrot opened this issue · 8 comments

I'd like to be able to pin to a specific commit without using a SHA. Conversely, the "autoupdate" feature of pre-commit by default pulls the latest tag. So for either of these use-cases, more tags would be helpful.

I believe that Github workflows would make it easy to automatically tag commits, if you'd like to make tags available without any further work from humans. (I can prepare a PR for this if it's an attractive idea)

Thank you for opening this issue!

I think that automatically creating a git tag for every commit ends up making them not all that different from SHAs. It sounds like pre-commit allows you to use --bleeding-edge with autoupdate, which would be equivalent to the default behaviour if every git sha has a tag.

Why do you prefer to use a git tag over a SHA?

Why do you prefer to use a git tag over a SHA?

  1. A friendlier name. Do I use 9690bb6a1e88f39a6073867b029aa03f0c3ba80c or is 9690b enough? I don't really want to about that corner of Git.
  2. Understand which one is newer. 9c is more recent than 43 but older than 1a

While the 'bleeding-edge' option exists, the implication is that the hook-author is creating regular releases (that are vetted) and you're choosing to use unreleased versions. Tagging every commit would communicate that every commit is considered a release, in the sense that there's no more ceremony or validation of one commit more than any other.

I would also support having tags as less low-level reference

Just bubbling this back up.

It would be great to add some tags so that pre-commit doesn't complain about pointing at a mutable reference.

We've had a lot of success by writing commits using conventional commit / angular format and then using semantic release to generate all the releases.

I think it's time for another tag, the last one is approaching a year old

For those who may be interested: #98