
Twitch Trading Bot for lnmarkets.com with interactive voting

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Twitch Trading Bot for lnmarkets.com with interactive voting. Engage your viewer and trade as a community


  • add takeprofit and add margin to orders
  • do some kind of !profit_of_session command
  • somehow create QR code to make depositing easier
  • format the the output of print_positions



display a link to this README


displays current votes of users

!vote (long | short)

users can vote long or short and after a defined time by the mods, they can !execute_orders on behalf of the user votes


creates an payment request over 1000 sats and prints the address


prints current wallet balance in satoshis


prints current orders

owner commands

!close $pid
!cancel $pid
!sell_market $qty $leverage
!buy_market $qty $leverage
!sell_limit $qty $leverage $price
!buy_limit $qty $leverage $price

mod commands
