
Responsive sidebar

grikomsn opened this issue · 3 comments

Since the sidebar is not responsive, layouts are overflowing and does not look good on small windows or mobile devices (screenshot below):


I am not familiar with Tailwind and modifying packages, but is there anyway that I can make the sidebar to move above the documentation?

By default the Nova Dashboard is not responsive. Based on the screenshots that you have provided, I am assuming that you are using the responsive theme. This package's interface has not been designed, at least currently anyways, to have responsive behaviors.

I will tag this issue as a feature request.

Thanks for the response. True, I forgot to mention that I use the responsive theme. In the meantime, I'll try experimenting and maybe create a PR in the future.

Just published a new release that adds a responsive layout that will work in the responsive theme. Please see version 1.1.0